Friday, November 9, 2012

Bing's partnership with Yelp is a failure.

In June of 2012 Bing partnered with Yelp to deliver "better" local results in the Bing Map.  To date those results have been terrible.  Take a search "Lawyer Fall River MA" as an example.  Today, the second and third businesses listed don't have websites and are not verified listings.  Why Bing drives its searchers to businesses that don't have websites seems more likely an error than a game plan.

Google Updates the Search Algorithm

Google confirmed that there is another Panda update to their algorithm.  The update will impact just over 1% of all search queries.  Keep an eye on your website traffic to be sure the update does not hurt your site.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Here is a graphic on how Google's searches have changed.  What this article does not say is that Google is constantly doing A/B testing.  This is showing the same search query two different results and determining which results people liked more.

Because of this testing often the display in MA can be different than in RI, and the display of the results change all the time.  By all the time, I mean it changes far too often to keep track of.

Screen shots on how Google has changed.
Here is a New York Times article on Google and its dominance of the Internet.  The reality is that everyone who wants to get business from their website has to pay attention to Google.  Because Google changes their algorithm frequently a "build it and let the website sit there" approach no longer works.

This is because of the changes Google makes and the need to adjust, but also because there is so much money being made through websites that if you are not keeping up and your competition is, your site will fall in the rankings.

NY Times Google Article