Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The New Google Home Page

Google has simplified their home page getting rid of the ugly black menu strip that used to sit at the top of the screen and replaced it with a more attractive slimmed down version.

What does this redesign mean for search and SEO?  The tabs Google left on the homepage are the Google+ (renamed +You), Gmail and Images search.  Behind the apps icon are a second +You tab, a search tab, Youtube, Maps, Google Play, News, Gmail, Drive and Calendar.  +You has ten of millions fewer users than the other Google products, yet it is the first tab on the redesign.  This shows the importance Google is putting on +You and competing with FaceBook for a share of the social marketplace.

Google feels threatened by Facebook and as Google looks into the future it see social as a major area of growth and competition.  This redesign further emphasizes the importance of +You in SEO.